Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello everyone!

So this is my first time to blog...ever!  Adam's pretty good at it, and I love reading everyone else's. So, I thought I'd try my hand at it.  

Things have been fun and pretty crazy around here lately.  Last weekend we planted a vegetable garden!  It was way fun, but hard work, too.  Thankfully we had help from our good friend Daniel!  Hopefully this summer we'll have lots of tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, peppers, herbs, and cantaloupe.  

Adam and I are both working on finishing up school this semester. I can't believe I only have 4 1/2 weeks left.  First grade has lots to do!  Adam Ray is growing and learning so much, so fast.  He's loving the warm weather and playing outside.  I wish I could put up pictures but I haven't learned that trick yet.  We'll try to get some up soon.  

Well, that's all I've got right now.  How'd I do?


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

back in the swing

we are back,
we had a great though short trip up. due to the wedding and some restricted time with both my sisters we were not able to get with everyone we wanted to, but we will next time.
now i'm back at school, i love school.
pray with us that i will have strength as my sleep/work/school schedule often requires that i go between 20 and 28 hours of no sleep in a row, driving is a lot of fun like that, especially on hwy 75... only one rec so far this semester, but it was not my fault.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

takin off

well, we are headed to Arkansas for a wedding this weekend, and we are stoked. also, Adam Ray just got his first hair cut, and he looks great. we will put up pics soon.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

sometimes material blessing distracts us from our purpose

Back in 1675 this cat named Philip Spener (a German pastor who grew up during the thirty years war) wrote a book called "Pia Desideria." I don't know what the title means, but it is a short book worth reading. In it Spener said:

"When we look at its outward condition we must confess that for a long time the kingdoms and lands which are attached to this church have again and again, although to different degrees and in different times, experienced those calamities of pestilence, famine, and continuous or often recurring wars in which, according to the Scriptures, the righteous God is wont to indicate and bear witness to his wrath. Yet I do not regard such afflictions as the worst. In fact, I count them a blessing, for through them God has preserved many of his own and has to some extent averted the harm that would have resulted if people had been driven to deeper despair by uniterrupted external prosperity."

In the church in Texas today, and in the homes of the believers in those churches, it often times seems like they have been distracted from their purpose (which is to bring reconciliation to the world 2 Cor 5:18) by the American dream. Give up the hope for material wealth and a happy family life with a fat retirement and a nice home and rededicate yourself to the reason for which you have been redeemed.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

slum dog millionaire

Last night Kimberly and I went to see slumdog millionaire. It was the best movie since the Dark Knight. Awesome story, cool look at another culture, great humor "it's a shy one" enough of a dark side for me, and small Muslim references to keep you engaged if your looking for that sort of thing. I highly recommend this flick. please go out and see it. if you have any thoughts on it, let me know.

our new free blog...again.

This is our new spot. We will see how this goes. I'll be posting primarily updates of how we are doing and what our plans are. As well, we will be putting up prayer requests and junk.

So...what are we up to now.

well, adam ray is 1. he is awesome, and a ton of fun. we'll link vid and pics from his b-day soon. when i figure out how. he walks well and has a few signs down, but he is not talking yet, pray that he begins to soon plz.

Kimberly teaches at Cornerstone Christian Academy 3 days a week, the other 2 days the kids homeschool. it is a pretty sweet deal, it helps us round out the cash for our bills and lets kimberly be active in another realm other than just the house.

I work as a guard at a Juvenille detention facitlity. It is a good job, especially in the midst of a recession. unfortunately, job security is nearly guaranteed, as kids are always going to jail. I work nights, which is somewhat hard on the old body, my sleep schedule gets messed up b/c i work 3 nights one week, and then 4 the next, on a 12 hour shift, so the other half of the week i go to school, so sleep is a coveted and valuable commodity.

I am going to school at DTS i have had a much better time here than my previous school, and all i can do is praise the Lord for this. I am currently doing a 120 hour Master of Theology, but am seriously considering dropping down to a 60 hour Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural Ministry. Basically i would lose the Greek and Hebrew requirements, so I'm trying to decide (with input from the IMB as to what they would recommend.) I am pretty good in Greek, and can get around in Hebrew with the right tools, so we are just praying that the Lord will show us the best route, one means we can go overseas for missions in about 1.5 yrs, the other about 3 yrs.

on the note of hobbies, i roll a 63 Blood Elf Death Knight, a 55 Undead Frost Mage, and a 22 Blood Elf Affliction Warlock on the Arathor server of WoW. Check it out.

Anyway, that is where we are for now. hollar at us.